4 weeks, 4 days

wondfo pregnancy tests
Top to bottom: 13dpiui, 14dpiui, 17dpiui

After my VERY LOW beta on Thursday I decided to take another HPT Friday afternoon (13dpiui), and I saw a line….but just barely! I took another test Saturday morning (14dpiui) and it was a  little darker, you didn’t even have to squint. Then I decided to lay off the tests for the rest of the weekend, I felt like I was giving myself too much anxiety. I took another test this morning and it was also darker, so I figured my beta would be better today which gave me some comfort (darker tests indicate a rising beta). We decided to come back from our mini-vacation last night instead of this morning so we could sleep in our own bed and have the day off today to catch up on stuff around the house. So I woke up early this morning and was at my doctor’s office at 8:00 am for my repeat beta test. I received the call a few hours later that my beta was 39 (progesterone was 14), so it has a doubling time of 32 hours

(Countdown to Pregnancy has this nice website where you can plug in the date and times of your betas and the values and it will calculate the doubling time). 32 hours is a great doubling time, in early pregnancy they want it to be between 24 and 48 hours, so I was tickled with a 32 hour doubling time. I know we’re still not out of the woods just yet because my numbers are still so low, but for now we’re still pregnant….to be exact, we’re 4 weeks 4 days pregnant 🙂 I’ll head back to my RE’s office for beta #3 and an appointment to see the doctor on Thursday.

Please continue to pray for my little bean. Stick baby, stick!



56 thoughts on “4 weeks, 4 days

  1. YAAAAAAY JEN!! That is so awesome girl!! So happy for you!! It’s going to stick! No doubt!! sending you hugs, aloha, luck, love and baby dust my friend!! xoxox

  2. Glad it’s rising. I’ll be honest I was worrying about you the last few days. I hope hope hope it starts to climb faster. However I have heard many stories of slow climbing betas and a perfectly healthy pregnancy.

  3. Yay! I’m so happy for you! Yes, stick baby stick! Sending you lots of positive thoughts and prayers for beta # 3. Praying for a good high number ❤

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