
IMG_7885I had another beta this morning and it barely rose at all from Friday’s test. I don’t know if this means I will miscarry on my own or if it indicates ectopic, but I know it’s not good news. This is definitely not a viable pregnancy at this point. Hoping to have more definitive answers after tomorrow’s ultrasound.

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Still in limbo


This morning I had more bloodwork and another ultrasound. Unfortunately my RE is on vacation Today-Tuesday so I met with another doctor in the practice. My HCG this morning was 1,223….so it’s still going up, but not doubling properly (which isn’t good). Next I had my ultrasound. They didn’t see anything in my uterus or my tubes so they’re still not 100% sure what’s going on. After my ultrasound I met with the doctor. He said at this point we should have seen SOMETHING on the ultrasound, even if it was just a sac, so since we’re not seeing anything it is a huge red flag. He thinks it is a tubal pregnancy or an abnormal pregnancy that needs to be terminated. He said it was completely my decision what to do at this point but I got the impression he wanted me to go ahead and do the shot of methotrexate and get rid of the pregnancy today, but I just couldn’t do it.

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Things are not looking good


I just got a call from my RE’s office, my beta from yesterday was 882….it should have been 1,250 or higher, which is a HUGE RED FLAG. I’m scheduled for another beta tomorrow morning and another ultrasound. My RE said this is looking more and more like an ectopic pregnancy, but we’ll know more tomorrow.


Possible ectopic

We had our first ultrasound this afternoon and it didn’t go like we thought it would, there was no sac. It still could be a bit early, so they had me do ANOTHER beta test. My HCG should be around 1,106 today (it is suppose to double every 48 hours), which would make it around 2,212 on Friday. My RE said he would call me with today’s results tomorrow morning and talk about what’s next. He said once your HCG reaches 2,000 you should definitely see a sac, and if we don’t it is likely this is an ectopic pregnancy (when the fertilized egg implants in one of the fallopian tubes instead of the uterus). Nothing is for certain yet, but by Friday we should have some answers. Continue reading

23dpiui – 5 weeks, 3 days

I was able to head into the hospital for my bloodwork before work this morning, so I didn’t even have to tell them. Since I have an appointment on Wednesday I didn’t want to have to be out this morning too. I don’t plan on telling work about my pregnancy for a few more weeks.

My results from today
HCG: 553, Progesterone: 13.25

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First ultrasound has been scheduled :)

firstultrasoundAfter the call earlier telling me my beta had gone up again for the second time, I think I had a permagrin. I have just been so happy all day! My RE called me back just a bit ago. He said out of caution he’d like to have my HCG & progesterone tested again Monday morning (my HCG should be 515 or higher by then), and scheduled my first ultrasound for next Wednesday, I will be 5 weeks, 5 days at that point. 🙂

Still pregnant!! – 4 weeks, 6 days

Top to bottom: 13dpiui, 14dpiui, 17dpiui, 18dpiui, 19dpiui
Top to bottom: 13dpiui, 14dpiui, 17dpiui, 18dpiui, 19dpiui

Even though I told myself I wouldn’t, I took another HPT yesterday and today. I just couldn’t help myself….and had so many of the cheapies laying around I figured it would be more wasteful if I DIDN’T use them. My second line is definitely getting darker, so that put me at ease a little heading in for my third beta HCG blood draw this morning. I got my blood drawn at 8:00 am then met with my RE about 30 minutes later. The results of my blood test weren’t available yet so we really didn’t have anything to talk about. He said he would call me as soon as he received the results, and if they were still increasing he would schedule me for an ultrasound. And that was that! Continue reading

4 weeks, 4 days

wondfo pregnancy tests
Top to bottom: 13dpiui, 14dpiui, 17dpiui

After my VERY LOW beta on Thursday I decided to take another HPT Friday afternoon (13dpiui), and I saw a line….but just barely! I took another test Saturday morning (14dpiui) and it was a  little darker, you didn’t even have to squint. Then I decided to lay off the tests for the rest of the weekend, I felt like I was giving myself too much anxiety. I took another test this morning and it was also darker, so I figured my beta would be better today which gave me some comfort (darker tests indicate a rising beta). We decided to come back from our mini-vacation last night instead of this morning so we could sleep in our own bed and have the day off today to catch up on stuff around the house. So I woke up early this morning and was at my doctor’s office at 8:00 am for my repeat beta test. I received the call a few hours later that my beta was 39 (progesterone was 14), so it has a doubling time of 32 hours

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So, I’m a little bit pregnant

3This morning I had my “pregnancy test appointment” at my RE’s office. I didn’t have it in me to take another hpt this morning b/c I just couldn’t see another BFN. My RE is on vacation this week, so I had to meet with another doctor….but it was a pretty quick appointment. The urine pregnancy test was negative, just as I thought it would be. Normally my RE’s office doesn’t do beta HCG tests until you have a confirmed pregnancy test, but since they wanted to do another CBC (complete blood count) and estradiol check to see if I was still at risk for OHSS they added HCG beta to the list too. Continue reading

Chemical pregnancy

positivehptOkay, so I have a lot to catch you guys up on. The last I blogged about was on Monday (15dpiui), I had my IUI #4 follow up (which was negative) I told my RE about our plans to take a break for the summer from fertility treatments. I stopped taking my progesterone suppositories (Saturday) and that was that. Well by Thursday I still hadn’t started my period, which was unusual because it always comes 2-3 days after I stop taking the progesterone. I decided to take a HPT that night, just an internet cheapie, and it was a faint positive.

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