23dpiui – 5 weeks, 3 days

I was able to head into the hospital for my bloodwork before work this morning, so I didn’t even have to tell them. Since I have an appointment on Wednesday I didn’t want to have to be out this morning too. I don’t plan on telling work about my pregnancy for a few more weeks.

My results from today
HCG: 553, Progesterone: 13.25

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So, I’m a little bit pregnant

3This morning I had my “pregnancy test appointment” at my RE’s office. I didn’t have it in me to take another hpt this morning b/c I just couldn’t see another BFN. My RE is on vacation this week, so I had to meet with another doctor….but it was a pretty quick appointment. The urine pregnancy test was negative, just as I thought it would be. Normally my RE’s office doesn’t do beta HCG tests until you have a confirmed pregnancy test, but since they wanted to do another CBC (complete blood count) and estradiol check to see if I was still at risk for OHSS they added HCG beta to the list too. Continue reading

Cysts, again?!?

MjAxMy0xZjU2NjEwN2VmOGZmNzRjAt 12dpiui I took another HPT and it was negative, and I just knew that this cycle was over and IUI #3 had failed. I stopped taking my progesterone and had my follow up appointment this morning. They made me pee in a cup for a urine pregnancy test. Typical protocol, but just felt like a slap in the face….again. Then I met with my RE, he suggested we go ahead and do an ultrasound today to check for cysts to determine what we would do next. Looks like I have 2 cysts, so I have to take a cycle off. Continue reading